Back on the rode again. Felt somewhat neglecting LexiBelle, and what we all created there because of her. So I thought, since the religious as well as puritans of western Idaho, are more worried about their farms than flying, and the list goes on.
Sounds like a bunch of manure I went through in the late 1980's don't it? For me its comprimizing I came to Idaho with aspirations and the snobs in Tragic Valley Idaho, says no you wont, so I crawl back in my shell. But its a comfortable shell. Going toewing is something I decided on, through divine inspiration, in 1976 and so hey why the frack not.
So we put the steam under the pan of all things toew. Including Highway Hooker. I bcan remember that asshole in CokeVille Wyoming telling me, ya'll can't do that. I am getting to think that outside notion of city folks, thinking, us in the kountry being very damn simple in mind. Ain't so off.
Not all farm people or kountry folks are dumb and stupid, but many can't get out of preprogrammed thought patterns, and so it was in 2005 at CokeVille Wyoming, with both Highway Hooker Toewing and the Kat House. Truck service center there. Get it? Kat House Cat Diesels , not the immediate the idea that enters your brain.
Any mile becuzz of much demand I put Highway Hooker and all its parts on the rear box , and went on. But I thought why?
So KTOW , Highway Hooker and all the rest gets on the road once again.
L8R Ya'll need sleep.