Saturday, February 18, 2012


PHOOTENOTES HEADER[2]Darksides%20logo

For many in this business and it is a business. That few want to do as a career, but those of us who made going toewing in snow or dry warm weather our choice of life’s work it is a profession we take seriously. More over reverently. Especially when it comes to our trucks. The trucks become more than a tool on 6 or more wheels to get the job done. They become part of our families. More over for some of us the tow truck, we started with remains, as more of a wife, than a human wife would be. Or is.

With over 1, million, 600,000 miles on her LexiBelle

Lexi in green Remains as the center of my universe. Thing is like many women, the get older they get it becomes harder to feed them. The offspring in my case LiL Lexi, ANEWLILLEXI goes out to do the short jobs, jump starts, flat tire fixes, traffic control. But when something needs mighty Titan strength, few LexiBelle’ size can handle what she do. Which gets me to the thing here. Old skool don’t always mean bad. Case-n-Point, even modern technology is not up to the simplicity of old things. Such as, my new computer, oh its good, but Windows 7 is harder to work with than XP, I’d much rather have XP back and be able to do what I used to on my old laptop. However, the old laptop, did not load up, or boot as fast as the new one. Some new cars, trucks, etc , can’t be slung towed. Will not work, one will crumple up these aluminum plastic cars and light trucks like a beer can using a sling. So blocks, dollies, and things like straps instead of extra tie down chains, as well as flat beds, rollbacks, or properly called carriers. Yet for all that is Holy , the modern boom style tow rig, has to back up, with its donkey pointed at the vehicle to be winched out or recovered. Where as; My Holmes 500, albeit a bit slower, can rescue that slide off, while all my wheels stay in the direction of travel, less traffic blockage, thus less traffic control needed and I can split my booms, winch from the side, and wahlah done. Minimum damage. So then.

Where did this Hooker thing start? First I didn’t start it. The term is old over the road long haul trucker cb radio slang for tow truck, (Hooker) as a tow truck utilizes chains , wire rope etc with hooks on the ends to accomplish the tasks assigned.

However again I did not start it.

The concept married itself with a picture I saw once in the old version of Overdrive, Magazine, with the subtitle the Happy Hooker. Second I snagged a T shirt from my mentor Tommy N Thompson of TNT Towing of Boise, that read , Our Hookers Handle All Sizes, with a street lady separating a heavy tow truck and a light duty tow truck.

When I first started out, I started as Heavy Hooker Wrecker Service of Hagerman Idaho. Over the years that has been reworked as Highway Hooker Toewing, and remains as the parent tow service, of Dixie, BlackSheep, SpeedWrench, Towing.

And for the idiot near Malad Idaho that thought it’d be funny to copy our old name, fine, you can pay the bills associated with it. But copyright infringement will cost you even more.

So that’s how the Hooker thing got started. And thought is being thrashed around to reheat Highway Hooker Toewing up here in Mini Cassia.

Busy day so need sleep.

L8R Hookers,

my sig[2]Lexi in green