Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Your blog and Treasures are not yours


Allot of folks are digging for gold and that gold might just be being scoured out of your mine, or mind. The dayz of free blogs, whether that be Google's Blogger, Zimbio's blog service or even MSN's may soon be a for a fee rather than free service. More over just because it hazz your treasured gems, thoughts, knowledge or so on does not mean its really yours. In essence when you send your 411 to these services, you in reality are giving these services the license and that is part of those little blurbs you see in the Conditions of Service that you click the I ACCEPT button of. They now partly own YOUR PROPERTY. Unless you make your own web site, paid for by you, built by you, and hosted by YOU, or your towing firm in reality its not yours. As economic conditions become much worse until they get better and that will only happen after the 2008/09 Presidential Election and someone with integrity is sitting in the big chair, but until our nations money woes are cured, SAAS or Software As A Service will soon be including your up to now free blog. Okay then some news you can use. Over the last 18 months there hazz been an internal squabble going on in regard to finalizing on a handle for both our classic big truck and as well as our klassik tow truck branch of the Hazzard County Knytes Kustmz Association. So it hazz boiled down to this. The sibling offspring of the Hazzard Knytes for both Klassik haulers and draggin wagons is The Hazzard County Rode Knytes Association. Watch the TV show this afternoon at 14:00 hours to 15:30 Hours. More l8r haulers n Hookers


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Psalm 119:160“All your words are true; all your righteous laws are eternal.”

Brought to you by Copyright (C) NIV. All Rights Reserved.

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Funny things happen when you growl

It's really funny some how that things happen when one growls. Not always a good thing by the way, when it comes to connecting with the Internet I told BridgeMaxx to stuff it, guess one does have to pay $200.00 a month for a good ISP huh? Any mile did anyone watch Lipstick Jungle? the new drama on NBC written by the same gal who wrote Sex in The City. Will Lipstick Jungle last? Don't think so, as anyone knows the snag in those hose is that Lipstick an TV dramas get smudged. I was not all that thrilled with the thing so am giving Lipstick Jungle a thumbs down. Met some real hotties at the bikini bar preve eve that I think I can pluck out of there to build a 90% female staff at Southern Steele Media. Now just need to find a place to put it. Will be on the TV Friday doing Highway Hooker TV see if oit passes the censors. More details l8r

The original Highway Hooker

Sunday, January 27, 2008


Once upon a time I thought that using local talent for doing television commercials for my towing business seemed like the right thing to do to show community loyalty and so on. To which I say bullshit. After nearly how dang long to get one little female to drive in from somewhere Idaho,Utah or frigging freezing Wyoming to stick her nyloned foot in my paws so I can kiss her damn stinking toe to work into the slogan of our company that simply says WE love Tow(e)z has brought me to the point I say Fuck the Local talent. I'm going to find someone in either frigging Hollywood, or similar. And I don't really give one iota that the twit will have to be paid for travel, hotel/motel and fed, plus her dang talent fee. Shoot if I can at least get one dang person to do the dang ad so I can get it aired who in the hell cares where the frig she lives? Which brings me to a pondering question what the frig is so damn weird or over the top kinky about kissing a nyloned santiary foot or toe of a female human? After al your not asking to climb in bed with the woman, your not asking her to wear a forking bikini, nor are you wanting to do something to do is kiss her toe to pla on two damn words that sound alike, are spelled different and mean something different. And damn it I am not the first, certainly not the last and probably not the first that thought about doing an ad such as this for the same dmn reason The only reason this is happening to me is that I have to be in an area with television executives with their Mormon heads so damn far up their ass, and all tht cannot understand the basics of something so damn innocent. Which is why I am so damn hot on buying a TV station or building one that allows a bit of out of the box thinking for a local business and yet still stays within FCC guidlines. So I begin the talent search. Now certainly I'll get a few city, county and area leaders asking why did you not use local talent? Why indeed. Can't be because we have not tried to find one here in Pocatello or immediate area. Is it the fear she will not get paid? Hey check out my bank account honey? Dig the several million dollar account or the history of the family behind it. When local KPVI CHANNEL 6 looked into our finances from the city of Hagerman they flat found out pretty pronto there was money in the till. Okay so why scoot around on ,making some female available to shoot a simple commercial? From what I can see these stations here are not bubbling over with local ad revenue. Are the bank accounts of all these TV stations in my area so damn full that one little commercial should scare th living Mormon shit out of these TV executives? Must do. However and mark my words this will happen. I'll find someone to produce this ad, talent and all and get it on KPIF here in Pocatello, then watch every damn other station either copy it, or comment on it. But at least I'll have the satisfaction of knowing I got an ad on a tv station for a company which is mine that loves going towing, hence we love ToW(e)z.

