Monday, June 10, 2013

This is the stuff that makes people shoot

Its days like today, that I see why some folks who are not too tightly wrapped, that go into schools and churches, with guns and just start to blast away.

Example, I go into church today out at the River, happy, until I run into this jerk who sorta can play drums and engineer a audio board, who acted like I was not even there. The furniture got more attention. Got into the sermon, at the end caught up with Kenny, then this buttwipe named Donny comes  up barking like a Mexican hairless, about starting something that did not need to be started. Bottom line, I mentioned that his Bible study was not organized too tight. Nor him. Okay I could have left off the him part but are any of these people wrapped very tight? I can say one maybe two are. Nancy the gal I love to death, as her adopted brother, and Bryan bacon one of the Pastors there at the River. the rest are running on stripped timing chains, or not on all cylinders. 
But you go to a church, getting in with people assembling friends , then you are bombarded with insults and disparaging remarks. For those who might care, this would be just the kind of thing to make somebody take out an AR15 and just open fire. With the idea of kill em all here, let God sort it out. As for me I don't really care, next week they're going to go out on the town to preach under the stealth cover of being helpful, if you get approached by a member of the River Fellowship to do anything, shut the door and sick the dogs on them like you do Mormon missionaries. At least the LDS missionaries are open about it.
To end the weekend, is I forgive Nancy for something her roomy said earlier. I thought it was coming from the whole clan. But the one who said it, should ought come over buy a can of skoal for me and say she's sorry in person.
As for the River, I'm done there.
L8R Ya'll