Saturday, April 9, 2016

How long does it take YOU to start looking at an angel ?

How long does it take for you to start seeing an angel with a slightly raised eye brow of , "Did I miss something?" As I ate my steak again tonight at Legal Tender, and nourishing my starving eyes with the radiance of Lexi, I also started noticing that there are a few things I was missing in my first assessment. First though there is not a flaw one on this gal. Not one, its all perfectly symetrical and flowing that her beauty is beyond words. But I started seeing that her hands were a bit larger than mine, while not bad , I thought she does not need to work this hard. Anybody can tend bar and mix drinks, for a bunch of drunks, Lexi has a mind that is divine. Then I started noticing those tiny toes, and all . Nothing wrong here. So I drank a beer, and came home to do this radio gig of mine. 
So I got to looking at some of the postings on American BullHaulers page. How they fight and snort. Post after post was about women, naked or near naked and bordered on porn. Whatever happened to taste and decency? Some people blame the problems of this nation on politicians, and Government. Some have the audacity to blame religion, I blame much of the problems, on a bunch of parents that forgot where the belt was and failed to apply it on the keesters of some young bulls and critters they call their children. I'm not into beating kids understand, but life on a farm, and being taught morals and respect for women, and Heavenly Father goes a long way. Sure I love to look at great looking bullwagons and trucks, share road trip stories and all that, and occassionally find a bargain on a truck part or two, but to open that page and see pics of women's breasts nearly, and such, naw. I ain't into that and those women are no angels, of course few could compare if at all to this angel I call Lexi, here in Evanston Wyoming, and I can tell you, nothing on her smells bad. TTYLY