THe human condition such as it is, is warped at best. Over the last 30 or so years I have seen more change in the American condition than I’d like.
In most of it just about everybody was bitching about something. Even in the groovin 70’s and hip disco 80’s , yea we had great music, but the economy by comparison was still the shits. Credit was tighter than a Mormon virgin, b4 BYU. After BYU most LDS women are no longer virgins married or not, despite what they claim.
but education was not so good. Folks who dug kountry music were considered a few quarts low, but in reality us in the kountry need to be smarter than others, even some of the hardly dry behind the ears college kids, and whipper snappers trying to poke at the old AyreWolf here thinking they ain’t going to get bit. I forgive for a time, after that time, I byte.
So the thing goes, that if your going to get the idea beyond basic thought to complete comprehension, that the word TOW is pronounced as TOE is, you show the pictures of the TOE
then show the picture of:
then if your really lucky, you’ll get the thing across.
What this all means next coffee break.
Quote of the Day:
Who in their right mind would ever need more than 640K of RAM!?
--Bill Gates, 1981
1 John 4:11-12“Dear friends, since God so loved us, we also ought to love one another. No one has ever seen God; but if we love one another, God lives in us and his love is made complete in us.”
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