I try really hard to be understanding of all races, creeds, and speech. I really try to be understanding that there are people who come by various means both legally and against the law to our shores to seek a better life. I am not against any creed or ethnic background, hell, even most of us so called White people are imports, from some foreign nation, be it England, Ireland and elsewhere. But damn it to hell if you come to this nation, know how to read, write, speak, and all American, not Hindu Indian, or something. Understand there can be more than one way to spell a word as well as pronounce that word. Once again, I was dispatching a tow call, but the tubin idiot on the other end of the phone, didn't know what a tow service was, when I spelled the word like that digit on your foot called a TOE he got the idea. Then I got in touch finally with someone at Google business , about a issue, that was brought to my attention last night. I missed a multi thousand dollar air med call, for AyreWolf Aviation, because Google had delisted it. Really? So I finally got in touch with a somebody there at Google, with it all the young mid twenties Google call desk taker who could just about speak English, Could not find AyreWolf Aviation. Yet I can type that into Google Search and find 12 pages of listings for our company. The young Bangladesh Indian call desk guy for Google just could not figure out how to spell AyreWolf.
Bottom line, I don't really care about creed, ethnicity or cultural background, but if we are to strengthen Americas economy, we had better start hiring real, born here, knows how to speak American even southern twang, this is after all America.
L8R Aviators
Monday, November 30, 2015
Sunday, November 29, 2015
Two Giants I hate to deal with, the IRS and Google
As the night rolls out and a new dawning weaves its way through cold sky and the darkest of dark, turning the dark into light, I need to say. I have had one helluva night meandering through a quagmire of paths to accomplish things. The first was mildly easy, and I understand why a credit card is required, its a electronic verification gizmo but I got our EIN number restored. Then doing the Google My Business. I had one helluva time locating my Google + url. Until I watched a quick YouTube no less video of how to locate the damn thing. Seems the dorks in Mountain View California needs to verify us. Really? After how many years? Hell , I hold the absolute record of the number of blogs on Blogger,( a Google product) I have a play list on YouTube(A Google product) that matches or exceeds Pandora or IHeart, and they want ME to verify AyreWolf Aviation. What lopsided peepickin citified college kid dreamed that up? So I did, and I get verification code post cards then we should be okay. Let's face it these huge Internet search/social companies are having a hard time of it, on one side, people are suing the hell out of most of em either for violations of some code or something, on the other side is companies bailing going elsewhere, usually to Facebook, the reason? From Yahoo to Google, most of these firms, have made things so damn difficult that the end user says if its easier elsewhere I'm there. Just like me, I now have for both the club, the radio network and our company has WordPress blogs and sites in construction. While and this would be a monumental task to staff, Google AND Yahoo, needs a way for people with legit complaints to call em on the damn phone and there be a REAL human on the other end to walk the consumer through a problem. Especially a business client that is looking to go pro, with Google. Any mile, had a good day, well most of it. Counted a bunch of change and got a half tank of go fluid for the General JaXson, Its spelled that way to honor Jax Teller of SOA fame. There's a connection there and I'll tell you more about that in a further entry. Guess we have a tad more business rolling in Monday, Rick, it looks has made peace with his xyl, I don't even want to get in the middle of that, I have enough manure to shovel in my own world, I'm there for Rick, to lean on, but he ain't going to listen to me so I shut up.
Any mile Church today, then bust balls at the shop.
Any mile Church today, then bust balls at the shop.
Tuesday, November 24, 2015
Another call ran, and one that left us at the alter
Ah two calls I had to turn down, and the frustration continues. One due to my small truck being down the other because my heavy is 400 miles away, on a transport. Anyone have about $1,500.00 to lend me I could use it severely and I'm not joking. Shop rent got behind because the so called former partner before Rick, abscounded with the money each month with some wild excuse, I let that slide for two months, but now I have to cough up $1,500.00 or I'm going to loose the entire shop. It's not that we don't have the business in the shop , we have four repair/service jobs that can pay us good money, but waiting for parts that are from back east and all, doesn't keep landlords happy. It's not that the tows are not there, I have 4 insurance companies, and 4 other motor clubs that will keep me busy, and seeing green in my jeans, but when your equipment is down, I frown since no truck can't run calls. Plus not having my usual support force under me, I'm finding that the grinding in Wyoming is not for me, or I'm about ready to say piss on it, go home back to Idaho. Who needs this? Too bad that fat lady out there at Yellow Creek Estates, hadn't nearly begged me to rent that fracking trailer out there, when I told her it was a bit much, and then she renigs, bs. It's been one year to date since I meandered here back to Evanston. First to build our radio Television station here, the other a bar, and if all went well opened the shop, since the other two operations would have supported the shop/towing service. But the shop was available, and while in the would'ves Couldves and should'ves department says I never should have gotten into the shop side, fact is I'm there. And I could use some help money wise, or I stand to loose everything for absolutely nothing.
Stay Tuned,
Stay Tuned,
Tuesday, November 17, 2015
Ever notice the best products seem to not need any advertising?
Have you ever noticed the best products and/or services, need little to no advertising or get it? Case-n-point: If I get a headache or my body hurts from too much snagging and dragging, I take Goody's Headache Powders,
yet the drug companies spend millions on advertising and most anything else costs $10.00 or more. Goody's does the trick one powder packet has 1,000 mil. of pain reliever , yet cost $5.00. Then of course, there's spark plugs for your truck. So many choices, and so very expensive for most brands, yet since I discovered Accell Spark Plugs, the yellow jacket , keeps LexiBelle running at top notch, and requires less frequent replacing. The U groove electrode burns the fuel so completely, that there is little carbon build up. Yet you hardly ever hear of them being reviewed on PowerNation, nor otherwise advertised. Yet its been nearly 5 years since I changed my plugs, and LexiBelle even looking like crap outside, between the fenders that big block Chevy, get 15 to 20 mpg, and doesn't miss a beat. But because nobody is paying anybody to lie to pitch these brands you don't hear about them. While there is little advertising and marketing done, Highway Hooker Toewing, of Idaho and Wyoming, is going on 38 years, under one name still towing, under the same owner(me) and my crew. The best just doesn't need much if any kind of spotlight, the results sells the product and or service.

Sunday, November 15, 2015
Okay so we didn't make it to Twin Saturday, but looks good for today
0So we didn't get to Twin Falls yesterday, but it looks like today will be good.
Rick went to Rock Springs to recreate and I did the gig of vegitate here kept warm and got a few household chores done, but it looks like we'll hit the trail later this morning or afternoon, as there's one helluva storm rolling in on Monday, so we gotta git-r-done.
Its a sad thing that the only good thing on TV anymore on Saturday nights, is the Disney Channel. Outside of that ain't nothing worth watching. Oh of course its not the entertainment industry , its the brokers that sell and distribute that content. Be it Cable companies, TV stations(watch that change after the FCC frequency repack auction) some carry the good stuff, some barely carry enough, and some who are in the take it or leave it because we are currently the only carrier of Cable in your town, think we as consumers or as I call it prosumers wont pay more to get some of our most popular channels and content back such as Spike TV and CMT to name a few. Like I said before there's one helluva shake up coming to TV from the FCC and of course HazzComm is here to pick up the pieces to rebuild a cable system that truly needs rebuilt.
Last, does it seem to you, since I mentioned the Disney Channel, that Alley of Austin and Alley, and Liv (Dover Cameron) of Liv and Maddie are going to be axed soon? The story lines are that way. Alley is headed for college, so is Liv. With Jessie( Debby Ryan) being axed in June of this year, Good Luck Charlie late 2014, due to a questionable story line, one that matches the same mindset of the LDS church that's making hundreds of current LDS members resign their church memberships, in the no same sex parents with children will be shown. This was a complicated subject for Disney to allow on their channel. Don't worry much of that content in fact those shows including the Dukes are being repurchased and will air on the HazzardAyre Cable network that launches in July 2017.
Any myle, big day Sunday so I'm on my way to bed, but when doors close others open.
Saturday, November 14, 2015
A reunion that's been long over due.
Today is a reunion that's been long overdue. Yep today Rick and I are rolling over to Tweaker Flatts Idaho and get LexiBelle back and on her way back home here where for about the first time in years she'll have to not only be my pride and joy, but feed and house me as well. While there's a ton and a half of work to be done to her to get her ready to go out and snag and drag all over southwestern Wyoming, there is a glimmer of sunlight through some very cloudy and dark clouds that has hung over my head for all too many years.
The sad in a way part of this, is that with LexiBelle here in Evansgone, this closes the door completely on Idaho as far as a place to reside. Now if I can just find me a honey , I'd have it all done, and my blood preasure along with many other things would ease up.
See ya'll on the radio tonight.
Thursday, July 9, 2015
Fuel stop in Salt Lake City, just about back to Wyoming
Just about back to Wyoming. Had to reroute through Wells Nevada to I-80 through Utah via Tooele. Just unloading at Western Equipment now. Quite fortunate after delivering to Boise got this run with another piece of equipment to Salt Lake City. The weather has been very wet. But just about back to the village. Thank goodness for a laptop, and a McDonalds wifi. However, there will not be a show tonight I'm just too pooped. But will be on in the Afternoon on Friday. Hey duty calls.
More when I get back in the village.
More when I get back in the village.
Just about warmed up , now just getting air preasure
Just about have the old girl warmed up just waiting for the air to pump up. This is going to be tricky since moving equipment at night is kind of against the law so I might have to wait until day break. Called Smokey, to see if we can at least bring it to the yard in Evanston until morning.
I am determined , that makes this op a bit touchy, but if I have to wait, just have to wait. Course, none of my pilot cars have arrived yet so it might be day break until we get to go. It's our first Heavy haul from this area, hope all goes right. I determined the best route is through Montpelier Idaho over 30 to 15 to 86 to 84 then Boise. It's going to be a bitch to have to go to Evanston, then over 84 to 15 to 84 through Utah. So I'm taking some snooze time and prepping to get in gear here.
More in a few hours.
I am determined , that makes this op a bit touchy, but if I have to wait, just have to wait. Course, none of my pilot cars have arrived yet so it might be day break until we get to go. It's our first Heavy haul from this area, hope all goes right. I determined the best route is through Montpelier Idaho over 30 to 15 to 86 to 84 then Boise. It's going to be a bitch to have to go to Evanston, then over 84 to 15 to 84 through Utah. So I'm taking some snooze time and prepping to get in gear here.
More in a few hours.
just warming up
Ever get to thinking that there are some people that know how to get in touch with Google and such programs as Blogger and those of us at their mercy? I'm beginning to. Seems I have to keep updating more and more of our blog pages and such every other week. It's getting to where, I'm half tempted no fully tempted to take a trip to gay bay California mainly Mountain View and have a serious conversation with the college boys and geeks at Google. In the meanwhile the Toew Bro's and the Knytes are busy getting the final pieces of our website put together , where WE control the settings and not Google or Facebook.
So got the tow call to go pick up a Cat in Garden City Utah, and haul it back to Boise. Seems as something under warrenty needs fixin , so its going to be a long day today to get that there and me back by radio show time tonight, all in a toewers life.
Until L8R
So got the tow call to go pick up a Cat in Garden City Utah, and haul it back to Boise. Seems as something under warrenty needs fixin , so its going to be a long day today to get that there and me back by radio show time tonight, all in a toewers life.
Until L8R
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