Sunday, November 29, 2015

Two Giants I hate to deal with, the IRS and Google

As the night rolls out and a new dawning weaves its way through cold sky and the darkest of dark, turning the dark into light, I need to say. I have had one helluva night meandering through a quagmire of paths to accomplish things. The first was mildly easy, and I understand why a credit card is required, its a electronic verification gizmo but I got our EIN number restored. Then doing the Google My Business. I had one helluva time locating my Google + url. Until I watched a quick YouTube no less video of how to locate the damn thing. Seems the dorks in Mountain View California needs to verify us. Really? After how many years? Hell , I hold the absolute record of the number of blogs on Blogger,( a Google product) I have a play list on YouTube(A Google product) that matches or exceeds Pandora or IHeart, and they want ME to verify AyreWolf Aviation. What lopsided peepickin citified college kid dreamed that up? So I did, and I get verification code post cards then we should be okay. Let's face it these huge Internet search/social companies are having a hard time of it, on one side, people are suing the hell out of most of em either for violations of some code or something, on the other side is companies bailing going elsewhere, usually to Facebook, the reason? From Yahoo to Google, most of these firms, have made things so damn difficult that the end user says if its easier elsewhere I'm there. Just like me, I now have for both the club, the radio network and our company has WordPress blogs and sites in construction. While and this would be a monumental task to staff, Google AND Yahoo, needs a way for people with legit complaints to call em on the damn phone and there be a REAL human on the other end to walk the consumer through a problem. Especially a business client that is looking to go pro, with Google. Any mile, had a good day, well most of it. Counted a bunch of change and got a half tank of go fluid for the General JaXson, Its spelled that way to honor Jax Teller of SOA fame. There's a connection there and I'll tell you more about that in a further entry. Guess we have a tad more business rolling in Monday, Rick, it looks has made peace with his xyl, I don't even want to get in the middle of that, I have enough manure to shovel in my own world, I'm there for Rick, to lean on, but he ain't going to listen to me so I shut up.
Any mile Church today, then bust balls at the shop.