Ever notice the best products seem to not need any advertising?
Have you ever noticed the best products and/or services, need little to no advertising or get it? Case-n-point: If I get a headache or my body hurts from too much snagging and dragging, I take Goody's Headache Powders,
yet the drug companies spend millions on advertising and most anything else costs $10.00 or more. Goody's does the trick one powder packet has 1,000 mil. of pain reliever , yet cost $5.00. Then of course, there's spark plugs for your truck. So many choices, and so very expensive for most brands, yet since I discovered Accell Spark Plugs, the yellow jacket , keeps LexiBelle running at top notch, and requires less frequent replacing. The U groove electrode burns the fuel so completely, that there is little carbon build up. Yet you hardly ever hear of them being reviewed on PowerNation, nor otherwise advertised. Yet its been nearly 5 years since I changed my plugs, and LexiBelle even looking like crap outside, between the fenders that big block Chevy, get 15 to 20 mpg, and doesn't miss a beat. But because nobody is paying anybody to lie to pitch these brands you don't hear about them. While there is little advertising and marketing done, Highway Hooker Toewing, of Idaho and Wyoming, is going on 38 years, under one name still towing, under the same owner(me) and my crew. The best just doesn't need much if any kind of spotlight, the results sells the product and or service.