Thursday, July 18, 2024
and so it begins as it were
Thursday, December 29, 2022
Starting to settle and that's not altogether good.
to have model talent to pose with our rigs and the
rigs for some pinache~ for the website, and promo ads. Want to produce a few that tells real stories and concerns of us out going towing. Example 1: what constitutes a first responder? Okay Law enforcement, firefighters and medical. What about us who has to clean up the mess? Should we not be listed as first responders as well? How about our trucks? Again Police parking stalls, at Walmart and such, what about our tow trucks. Should we not be granted close to the door parking as well? How about the Slow Down, Move over laws? Tother night my legs were milliinches from being crushed, if I had not saw a rig clipping by at 80mph, I know cause one our guys has a radar unit and clocked the bastard. Where is or are our scene support? How about respect for what we do? Common sense and common courtesy, should say here are lights in blue/red/green flashing all over the place, that should signal to someone, slow the f down. Or/and move the f over, if ya'll can't back out of the throttle a bit? So figure with all the video crap out now days, lets do some staged dog-fights, show what we do over and above what they show on TV . First we need talent, both for the voice over as well as in these ads as well.
Look when I moved from parts Wyoming, several years ago, I knew that there wasn't a heap amount of modeling talent here in Twin Falls, Idaho. I knew right away that finding such is a long and grueling process. I had one at the start, then of course Athea, who I should have done the isle walk with, but didn't. I know, but my inner sense of loyalty, and the main reason I moved here from Wyoming in the first place, for the sake of PoohBear, but hey that's all water under the bridge. But the sacrifices I, my Mom, and a few of you who made it happen, LexiBelle
is much, much more than just an elderly toew truck. Get it its a Toe-W- truck. Hey I'm not the only one that's played on the words TOE and TOW as soon as I find the photo I'll put in up here and on our facebook page. Which I will remind you, I'm no longer on Twitter, and many of the social sites any more. Facebook? Sure, only there because Rick is there and he can relay the news with the resurrection of LexiBelle. If that was not in the playbook still, I'd delete my account on Facebook as well. Google got out of the social arena, likewise Yahoo, did too. We are sticking to and with Heavy Resque Toewing, for heavy rig recovery and toews, and Cooter's Toewing for our light duty half. Highway and Heavy Hooker Toewing will remain in Evanston Wyoming, and Roberts Idaho respectfully.Finally and I'll dive in deeper on this later, but have you noticed that extreme serious blondes are the more conservative politically? Look at Trumps cabinet, look at most of FoX News Channels lady anchors, as well as NewsMax. Pretty straight forward and hit that nail on the head.
Talking movies? At least TV? Work is ongoing to produce a real reboot of the original, Bufford T Pusser a cop in Mississippi. Who shut down everything from gambling to brothels. Of course it's called Walking Tall, but this one is more aimed at, and of the original film. Should be in production, by this fall. I'd love to be the same kinda guy walking in with a piece of lumber, and crack open a few folks in San Fransico, from LinkedIn, to facebook, all the way to Arizona, and have a brain splattering session at GoDaddy. Trying to get any customer service from any of them except for Google, is like the noise I got from one of the punks, at Walgreens here, wanted my Goody's Powders. Oh we can order it. Dang it I have a headache, I don't want wait until it get's here, I need it now. Same goes for the websites, and my postings, I don't want to be sent to some blooming idiot in Argentina or Budapest, in a forum, I want a official pizza faced employee to get off his 6, and fix crap on his end.
I hate corporate America, hard to get in touch with real people, doing real work, in these very real, tech firms. Elon Musk is really shaking the trees, the result is something called: The Twitter file. Oh yes as Columbo used to say, one more thing. Some have asked why I spell files as Philes. Reason? Had a gal in Tooele, Utah that had that as her last name. She showed up at our makeshift, home studio, a long with a few others, but Denine, did such a great job and had the gal and I got more into a togetherness gig, that would have blossomed into one heap of a flower. Beyond that Toew Smooch, when she wore theses very tight leather Briches, I asked, what does her flower smell like, she unzipped, walked over and gave me a sniff. Of which, I could write about and deliver a show containing thereof. She really was a hard worker.
Too bad that kind of attitude, I could really use now.
Next Entry,
Blondes and Nylons, do they mix? Find out during the Knyte Prowl.
L8R Toew Jockys.
Friday, April 30, 2021
We did then we didn't, When are we going to be noticed as first responders?
Over the last few weeks I have been pulling wire, squinting my eyes, and soldering, and getting fully into doing radio for those who fly and of course, us going towing. In such been watching mucho imano, TV. Mostly a show called Station 19. Thursday's duty session was such that I watched 4 of those episodes of that show, and started asking, myself; When is it going to happen, that we who tow, are not considered by many outfits, like CenturyLink, SparkLight, nor even Verizon, to name a few. We to them and many are not considered first responders. Why? We are as toewers, are there first, and usually mopping things up after. Where in between Cops, and the public, between fire departments and EMT's Whether it's weather-related or human-caused, we in towing might not be perfect, But we who go tow, are pretty close to it.
I can remember not far from where I reside now when I met LexiBelle. There was a 24 hour Spam and Slam, in came Dave, LexiBelle was outside warming up, her pipes pouring sweet angelic smoke, her chicken light glowing. I fell in love instantly, unlike I have ever fell in Love with anything or anyone. Except maybe my High School crush Peggy. That is still somewhat in a holding pattern. (More on me and Utah reuniting later Friday.) Over the years I have seen things come and go in our industry. The Idaho Lein Law was co-written by me. Revisions of towing regs, done by me and our mother organization the Iron Knytes.
With all of that said, I have seen, TV shows and movies about Firefighters, Cops, Fed Cops, and a few attempts at TV series and movies, but never one completely involving the situations and runs we really experience every day. Now with all of that said, two years ago, albeit with some trpedition, What was then made up to that point as Heavy Hooker Toewing, was renamed Heavy Resque Toewing. I went with this as I got tired of hooking and booking cars and passenger rides, cars, light pickups, and such in favor of only attacking the calls for heavy trucks. The ones in that part of the space, are few around these parts. The equipment well over the million-dollar price tags, and training way above just a few tow jocks, that see what we do to aspire to, but not able to get there. Thing is though if I park the truck at a store in an Emergency lane, I'm told to move, if not by store management, by cops, and or fire Captains.

Radio in the AM on the AM, and on Until then sleep tight.
Friday, September 15, 2017
The Little Hooker that could and did, funny carnal things are remembered
When I settled on the original name for my towing company it was through three happenings, the first came from a T-shirt one of my mentors but competitors was giving a way to people to gain to them awareness of his company. The T-shirt said TNT Towing of Boise, Our Hookers Handle All Sizes. Back in the late 1970's mid 1980's fast cars, fast trucks and yes cb radios were the very thing that drove interest. It was not only a status symbol, CB, Radio's were it. A secondary language came through the idea of CB Radio and as such a tow truck was called a Hooker. But thing too, those city types and shirt and tie types could not get the idea of a sex worker and a name for a tow truck seperate in their minds. Just like we started the idea of a Toe is a Toe

Thursday, May 11, 2017
Sunday, April 23, 2017
Are we finally gaining traction? Highway Hooker Toewing's birthday is this Wednesday.
The month after her birth to me, I spent many hours what to name the company. For as many years, I ran the company as D.K. (Diesel-Kid) Towing, however it was in bolt of Heavenly inspiration that I renamed everything Highway Hooker Toewing. The e with the w by truth didn't come into the name until 1997, but still Highway Hooker Towing has been snagging and dragging light and midsized trucks throughout the Intermountain West. Oh yes, I have fiddled around with different names for the company, from Speed-Wrench Towing, and so on, but the truth is, Highway Hooker Toewing, always hooks em all. And I'm proud of it. There are many copies, and those that have tried to snag our thunder, but in all reality and if they were honest, all know and must be true, Highway Hooker is us, and will always be. Even through the Hazzard County Garage, Cooter's Kustmz and so on the under cover handle of my company has always been Highway Hooker Toewing, and likewise, Highway Hooker Radio, and soon to be a weekly TV show of towing in the Mountain West. Additionally a soon to be announced XM Sirius satellite radio channel for all in the towing industry, Highway Hooker is spreading her wings, and gathering in many followers. I am proud of this company, and all of those working for us, from Hazzard Idaho to Boise, to Rigby, to Montpelier Idaho to Utah and here in Evanston Wyoming. Highway Hooker Toewing has set many mile stones in our history, we started the idea of operator certification, we started the idea of move over slow down programs, and we started bringing our profession into the spotlight. Before us towing was not seen on TV advertising, nor feature TV shows. Highway Hooker Toewing created all of that, and I feel damn proud of what we have become. The only challenge has been having a pitch person or pitch/pinup girl for the company. You really can't put up a notice for finding a Miss Highway Hooker without the wrong idea being made. So it is either Miss RodeWolf, or Miss Road Resque that has been posted but the real core is to lift up Highway Hooker Toewing and yes even Highway Hooker Radio/TV. The company's birthday is this Wednesday, a small party is being planned at our shop here in Evanston Wyoming, come out and lets celebrate.
Saturday, April 9, 2016
How long does it take YOU to start looking at an angel ?
So I got to looking at some of the postings on American BullHaulers page. How they fight and snort. Post after post was about women, naked or near naked and bordered on porn. Whatever happened to taste and decency? Some people blame the problems of this nation on politicians, and Government. Some have the audacity to blame religion, I blame much of the problems, on a bunch of parents that forgot where the belt was and failed to apply it on the keesters of some young bulls and critters they call their children. I'm not into beating kids understand, but life on a farm, and being taught morals and respect for women, and Heavenly Father goes a long way. Sure I love to look at great looking bullwagons and trucks, share road trip stories and all that, and occassionally find a bargain on a truck part or two, but to open that page and see pics of women's breasts nearly, and such, naw. I ain't into that and those women are no angels, of course few could compare if at all to this angel I call Lexi, here in Evanston Wyoming, and I can tell you, nothing on her smells bad. TTYLY
Monday, November 30, 2015
I have an idea, If we want to strengthen America's economy, lets hire Americans.
Bottom line, I don't really care about creed, ethnicity or cultural background, but if we are to strengthen Americas economy, we had better start hiring real, born here, knows how to speak American even southern twang, this is after all America.
L8R Aviators
Sunday, November 29, 2015
Two Giants I hate to deal with, the IRS and Google
Any mile Church today, then bust balls at the shop.
Tuesday, November 24, 2015
Another call ran, and one that left us at the alter
Stay Tuned,