Its been snowing very hard in our region lately and while my bank account especially this year should be filling like a bucket under a water fall it isn't. While its easy to cast blame on alot of other factors and people the fact is it is myself to blame. In an attempt to get some sugar and at least some sort of spotlight on my company to announce that I was back home in the Mini Cassia area and Idaho, I went to just about every TV station, and media outlet between Twin Falls and Pocatello. And just because some prudes in the media thought me kissing some honey toes to put a bit of a play on the words TOW and TOE, some thought that was near having some hussy pose nude by my truck, heck I probably could have got the nude part done, easier than smooching some babes toe(w)s. In an attempt additionally to gain some territory one that is sadly underserved and the local fuzz hates to call outside of county community tow services, eve one that they feel is all too way expensive told me if I were to be there I'd get the major share of the tow market. Power County(American-Falls) Idaho. Then looking north east to Blackfoot to Atomic City to Arco Idaho . The thing is I allowed this media TV bull stuff overide the need to begin with and ignored my trucks and my business. Simply because the local area TV stations are too damn stuck up or scared shitless that if they put my ad on their station with me kissing some cicks toe that a boycott or something on their station will occur. In truth I don't think anyone would care and might just get a good chuckle out of the ad, and remember me and my truck LexiBelle next time they need their fancy Ford Explorer or Isuzu Rodeo recovered from the comedian strip of I-15, I-86 or for that matter Idaho highway 39. However I am telling you here and now, the media thing just became a slight hobby, and I'm kicking in gear getting my rucks going towing this year. Even if I do have to move my six out of Pocatello to either back to Rupert or American Falls. Nuff said. Now why do I call my dear truck LexiBelle? Simple, there is a lady who lives in Blackfoot Idaho, infact if I could find her she would be the model posing with my truck. She used to work for this hamburger joint there called Rupe's Burgers the best fast food in Eastern Idaho period. Any mile this gal named Alexis or Lexi for short, and I met there at Rupe's years ago when both Lexi and I were virgins and my heavy Chevy tow truck was only 2 years old. Late one Halloween night after she got off work we drove out to Lukes Island near Springfield Idaho, and with the help of mr Jack Daniels neither tow truck, myself nor Lexi were no longer virgins. The Belle part is a take off of Pappy Boyington's ayrecraft, LuciBelle named after his second wife. Together for me its LexiBelle. I have not seen Lexi since then although I have ben told that she is in fact around there, but still the owner of Rupe's and I both know the secret and why the utmost respect is paid equally between he and I and why a major sponsor of the Hazzard County Knytes remains Rupe's.
I'll be away from my keyboard for a few weeks, changing ISP's frm Cable One to Teton Wireless here in eastern Idaho, as well as phone service and looking at getting a dish really a Dish for tv. After all before I rake out another $250.00 for media access I can buy a Dish, the ISP half only costs $60.00 and so I'll save some real money. However I just wanted you to know why I wont be doing up the blog as often. Number two at the end of the month I'm headed to Daytona for the testing and tuning of our Sprint series COT, thats Car of Today, by NASCAR. Yes this year its not going to be the Nextel series, but Nextel's sister Sprint. Bet this mixes a bunch of NASCAR fans minds up. They'll see Sprint Races and wont tune in. Any mile I'll be down there getting things set for Dixie Deere Racing's ride number 69 to be rolling around that 1.5 mile oval. So wont be as available until after the 1st of March. After March I'll be moving back west of Pocatello, to as said either American Falls or Rupert. Pocatello is a nice place to pass through but few really want to live here, and the word live is used as an option, its more just survive in Pocatello. And yes to those like my dispatcher Nancy will say they told me so, yes I did move for nothing but hey at least I did make the attempt. Still looking to make the buy of KPIF and all but if I buy that station I'm moving it to either Blackfoot or American Falls.
Need sleep see all in April 2008.