Last week I got this rather insulting and hurting email from a sex shrink we at Dixie Diesel Trucker Radio was considering for a segment on our network. The persons name is Sue McGarvie and does or did this thing in Canada called Sex With Sue, Unzipped and Sex with Sue Minute. She founded a now defunct thing called Passion Villiage. This kountry stallion canine must have been able to transmit a Vulcan mind meld or something because Mrs. McGarvie thought I had something other than her being on our radio shows and TV thing Dixie Diesel American Trucker TV. The situation might have came from my being a bit gun shy but rushing into anything involving Dixie Diesel Radio or TV has caused trouble in the past, both in Wyoming and in Utah. Although we have always been the top dawg of our medium, still for anyone to think that I had anything else besides being completely professional is absurd. Part of her being gun shy might have ben because I thought having her visit Idaho was over the top. But whether it was Sue or Howard Stern or heck Dave Nimeo if its on my radio network I want you our public to at least get a chance for a meet and greet. A autograph session, a business session to carve out a contract then shes in the big byrd headed for Canada. Must be too hot for a sex shrink. I'll get into that next blog why having such a program on a show both tv and radio for truckers is so important. It is however as I close not a thing I'm saying no to involving Mrs. McGarvie but its in her court now, if she wants to be on our network coast to coast in the USA, and on satellite radio and soon TV then her, or her business manager person better get in touch with me ASAP or I'm looking at finding someone in our area and building a sex advce thing Hazzard style. More Later
The SpeedWolf