Well here we have a near to the end of another crappy year. In 2006 I was in near freezing weatherin Wyoming trying to form our radio network there, and despite a bunch of real battles had it not been for a very greedy young lady we might have made it. In January after money became a real issue on renting studio space the same gal decided she and I would relocate to Idaho. With less money and lower brains she, family and I moved to Idaho, not Boise as I had intended but to Burley. With a long forgotten past due trffic citation pending in March I got nearly put in jail, but a bail out by the company and the Rode Eaglez Association I began to see some day light there. By June things were looking good, and thus 3 different business operations were being put into motion. First the radio station/network for all things Hazzard County, but one promised venture capitalist decided to back out due to some medical problems. But I kept plugging away, then came the thought of a southern fried bar/cafe in Burley which I am still working on and of course going towing. The last one should have been first. Frustrated with the ability to get my name for goin towing in front of those trucking on TV and local media flat ignoring me and a concept I had been working on about putting a trucking news and lifestyles program on TV I got in talks with KPIF TV in Pocatello, which is why I am still here. In October I made the leap from Burley to Pocatello so I could put the media thing together. Granted the savings on trying to keep warm for less money every month was part of that decision, but I'm sure as I look back on it I could have done in Burley. For some reason as yet to be determined the manager because of a little Lord Fontleroy thinking some kind of my ideas bordered on Porn, that I had put a link to on Mr Fontleroy's computer and the fact that I look like Waylon Jennings son Shooter I was a bit over the top to reside work wise KPIF's manager did not want me at his station. Okay but I had already put things into motion to move so I could not reverse the situation. So I sit in Pocatello with a service truck that needs two new batteries and an alternator which if I was at my shop in Rupert would be no big deal, but no shop and not making ANY money except what I get from the government both SSI and military retirement, which just about pays the bills and not anything hardly more. Now granted too, money from the recovery of the Montgomery Trust as well as for the Hazzard County Knytes is in gear but as anyone who has ever dealt with a class action law suit knows that takes time. The $60 million that the Trust lost was due to an improper investment concept by the Trust board chair into an annuity whose parent investmet firm went straight into the manure pile. The recovery is about to be see, but only in small payments of $20,million per year until paid. Which means I still struggle money wise. Heck I had to near sell my soul for a can of SKOAL today. Not my soul really as it really meant selling some little watched DVD' movies but still it hurt. I have never been so near broke in my life. Although 2008 looks much better still it gets to me. Okay with that said. Since the radio and all broadcast things a bit in the distance, the Hazzard County Knytes The Rode Eaglez Association and of course the BlackSheep Vintage Aviation Asssociation has decided to go to print, rather than broadcastfor a short few months. In Gooding Idaho is a printer who will because of former good relations to print the Hazzard Gazzette for $300.00 a month. Which is not bad. We can sell advertising and at least get some money coming in. With that in mind I have nearly made up my mind that come early spring about May or so hit the road and move back to the Magic Valley. This does not mean I'm giving up nor is the Hazzard Knytes giving up on the project of buying KPIF TV , however just because we own that TV station does not mean I have to live in Pocatello. In fact if I have my way after the organization buy's the TV station I plan on moving the station to either BlackFoot or American Falls Idaho. Whil the Gate City as it is nick named may look like its growing its really hurting. Neighboring Idaho Falls has leaped past Pocatello as far as growth, but not yet the restrictive conservative mindset of the LDS church. Which means even a simple concept as kissing a womans toe to put some spice to the words TOW and TOE , with our tag we love tow(e)s is seen worse than a womans underwear shop, showing sex toys or a satellie TV dealer asking how big is your TV. Guess it all depends on how much money one has to spend with a TV station. I think its wrong but hey that's why I'm looking to get to buying a TV station to allow even the smaller of retailers and service business's a inexpensive place to place ads. As I close this blog I need to say as I also begin to close out another year. 2008 is the year I get my own show of going towing full bore put together and media, broadcasting and many other things are going to be on a as I can when I can basis. Don't be surprised as well to see more of the Wolf bit on the rear shelf and me as my original on air etc handle of SpeedWrench more rather than less. More on that in a few more laps.