Thursday, December 29, 2022

Starting to settle and that's not altogether good.


So I started pounding logs over the previous night, when all crap breaks loose. All of a sudden there was such a clatter and clang, who can sleep? So woke up for the umpteenth, time, and went into the studio. Can't do much with it, as 80% of the gear is in relocation mode. Headed up near Idaho Falls way. Maybe then I can start going back to Church. Think? Guess I could go here as usual, cept, the Ward of my denomination, has too many corrupt people in it, that I ain't sticking my head in that lions mouth. I like things that are spoken in private to stay just that private. Not being blabbed all over creation.
Now need to spill some of my Wolf blood to ya'll this morning. It's not and its not a 5 alarmer here as nothing set in stone, but there's this, slight quiver in my liver, that says " what if with my eyes failing me, am I going to pass a FAA physical exam, and just what happens I can't get a waiver on that to please the FAA? More over, with the troubles with immediate memory abilities degrading am I going to be lose my G.A Certificate(pilots license)? So that being the case, looking to adjust my altitude a bit, and examine other things I can do for and of the Organization? Toewing is the first, and that I can do even prtly blind, or radio? So am looking to combine both, and see what leaves fall from the trees. Got until May to decide, but it's hard. I can be sitting at a whoa light, and hear aircraft, and my mind is instanly in that cockpit. But it does plague me all the same.
Okay then Part two.
Can Eastern Idaho Railroad make any more noise? Bad enough can't catch any slumber during the day, with the horn blaring at all times. If that's not enough, its bang those rail cars together, so damn loud. Going to check into that later today.
Short of some fine tuning is near up and going. Still some crap being throne by GoDaddy, but I'll get there. Sure would groove 

  to have model talent to pose with our rigs and the 

rigs for some pinache~ for the website, and promo ads. Want to produce a few that tells real stories and concerns of us out going towing. Example 1: what constitutes a first responder? Okay Law enforcement, firefighters and medical. What about us who has to clean up the mess? Should we not be listed as first responders as well? How about our trucks? Again Police parking stalls, at Walmart and such, what about our tow trucks. Should we not be granted close to the door parking as well? How about the Slow Down, Move over laws? Tother night my legs were milliinches from being crushed, if I had not saw a rig clipping by at 80mph, I know cause one our guys has a radar unit and clocked the bastard. Where is or are our scene support? How about respect for what we do? Common sense and common courtesy, should say here are lights in blue/red/green flashing all over the place, that should signal to someone, slow the f down. Or/and move the f over, if ya'll can't back out of the throttle a bit? So figure with all the video crap out now days, lets do some staged dog-fights, show what we do over and above what they show on TV . First we need talent, both for the voice over as well as in these ads as well. 

Look when I moved from parts Wyoming, several years ago, I knew that there wasn't a heap amount of modeling talent here in Twin Falls, Idaho. I knew right away that finding such is a long and grueling process. I had one at the start, then of course Athea, who I should have done the isle walk with, but didn't. I know, but my inner sense of loyalty, and the main reason I moved here from Wyoming in the first place, for the sake of PoohBear, but hey that's all water under the bridge. But the sacrifices I, my Mom, and a few of you who made it happen, LexiBelle 

is much, much more than just an elderly toew truck. 
Get it its a Toe-W- truck. Hey I'm not the only one that's played on the words TOE and TOW as soon as I find the photo I'll put in up here and on our facebook page. Which I will remind you, I'm no longer on Twitter, and many of the social sites any more. Facebook? Sure, only there because Rick is there and he can relay the news 
with the resurrection of LexiBelle. If that was not in the playbook still, I'd delete my account on Facebook as well. Google got out of the social arena, likewise Yahoo, did too. We are sticking to and with Heavy Resque Toewing, for heavy rig recovery and toews, and Cooter's Toewing for our light duty half. Highway and Heavy Hooker Toewing will remain in Evanston Wyoming, and Roberts Idaho respectfully. 

Finally and I'll dive in deeper on this later, but have you noticed that extreme serious blondes are the more conservative politically? Look at Trumps cabinet, look at most of FoX News Channels lady anchors, as well as NewsMax. Pretty straight forward and hit that nail on the head. 

Talking movies? At least TV? Work is ongoing to produce a real reboot of the original, Bufford T Pusser a cop in Mississippi. Who shut down everything from gambling to brothels. Of course it's called Walking Tall, but this one is more aimed at, and of the original film. Should be in production, by this fall. I'd love to be the same kinda guy walking in with a piece of lumber, and crack open a few folks in San Fransico, from LinkedIn, to facebook, all the way to Arizona, and have a brain splattering session at GoDaddy. Trying to get any customer service from any of them except for Google, is like the noise I got from one of the punks, at Walgreens here, wanted my Goody's Powders. Oh we can order it. Dang it I have a headache, I don't want wait until it get's here, I need it now. Same goes for the websites, and my postings, I don't want to be sent to some blooming idiot in Argentina or Budapest, in a forum, I want a official pizza faced employee to get off his 6, and fix crap on his end. 

I hate corporate America, hard to get in touch with real people, doing real work, in these very real, tech firms. Elon Musk is really shaking the trees, the result is something called: The Twitter file. Oh yes as Columbo used to say, one more thing. Some have asked why I spell files as Philes. Reason? Had a gal in Tooele, Utah that had that as her last name. She showed up at our makeshift, home studio, a long with a few others, but Denine, did such a great job and had the gal and I got more into a togetherness gig, that would have blossomed into one heap of a flower. Beyond that Toew Smooch, when she wore theses very tight leather Briches, I asked, what does her flower smell like, she unzipped, walked over and gave me a sniff. Of which, I could write about and deliver a show containing thereof. She really was a hard worker. 

Too bad that kind of attitude, I could really use now.

Next Entry,

Blondes and Nylons, do they mix? Find out during the Knyte Prowl. 

L8R Toew Jockys.