Have you always thought that those tech giants like Google that runs Blogger and YouTube, are just frustrating you to the point, that you’ll lean towards a pay service or version? If so would you?
WordPress has already done that, amongst a bunch others. The only true way to make sure your whatever is exactly what you want it to be and nearly none geek proof is to own the fucking site to begin with. Which means YOURE going to have to pay much bucks just to get a site built, at least if you can find someone to build it for you.
Currently the Knytes the parent organization of both the Rode Knytes and Toew Bro’s is getting our streaming site built at least I think so. The rates for this have been all over the place. What I want to see is a website builder that’ll take payments, or at least get you out of the box and at least going for say 90 days to make sure the damn thing works to your satisfaction. Then pay the bill, tell me what you need to build it, look at the model of what I like build it like that, show me what I need to maintain it, on a daily basis and make the damn thing none-geek proof. Not all of us in this world were born with a keyboard. In our days writing was done with a piece of wood, as narrow as a soda straw, was filled with soft lead, you ground it up in a tiny contraption with a small crank, and once it had a point, the printing was done instantly on paper. To deliver it you put 10cent stamp on it, stuffed it in the big black box, Miss Tizzdale would drive by in her old Buick, pick it up and in about 3 to 4 days your person read it via U.S. Mail. I want our site that simplistic, yet entertaining yet informative. One section of the site will be dedicated to all you like me who brave the cold and heat, night or day, even on holidays or weekends to fetch cars, trucks, bikes and all from their disabled predicament. The title of all this section of the site is as you all know, already. I own that name. Okay then, getting back to my rant.
I reset a bunch of things to this blog , some are working well, some not so well. But I noticed too, can’t get Google’s great AdSense. Really Google? Shit I run the most blogs on Blogger and I can’t have an AdSense account? That truly bytes. There are many times, and I just might really do it, but go to the HQ of Google, go inside if they let me and grab one of those little geeky dickheads and say look you little fartknocker, it goes like this, fix it and I deserve and demand a AdSense account. Look Google, you may not like me, but I rant good about you, do me a kindness in return give me a few things. But I see this, just like the free classifieds on Yahoo, and MSN. They no longer exist. The pricks are so hungry and greedy, that you will not find any free things except maybe some old news and emails. Even then you only get what they let you see. Yes your emails as secure as you might think they are, are pre-screened, by MSN, Yahoo, etc.
Any mile, lines are running together here so I’m turning in, but I’ll fill you in on a bunch of good stuff coming up in 2014 and the challenges we as a group had in 2013.
L8R Ya’’ll
Quote of the Day:
Women like silent men. They think they're listening.
--Marcel Archard
John 16:33““I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”” Brought to you by BibleGateway.com. Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved. |