Monday, February 20, 2012

If there was a reason to get stoned that time was Monday night


If there was a reason to find a doob, or a boob and get stoned. Monday night. First by near 02:30 hours, from the draft of seeing nothing but snow and slush, to finally getting home to the Rode-House here, snag a shower to thaw out then thinking I’ll just use the old lap top, do my blog here and kick back, was the idea. However, the old laptop I bought from a crook here in Burley puked so now two laptops dead. Take that back and say it was nice and be done with it. As they say ya git what ya’ll pay for. And off brand hardly unheard of computer brands with ancient operating systems, regurgitated by even not too trusty vendors , not for me. To hell with ACER computers, I stick with Dell and Best Buy.

By the way, anybody know of a good IT specialist looking for work?

A few of my crew barked hell at me for spending $600.00 for a desktop. Brand new, means brand new. Low disc usage, and a warrenty. Second a quality brand, and third a service support vendor, that can in most cases be depended on.

The only problem and thank goodness and mighty Kahless, that I had brains to save my art work and docs, on discs, but had to reinstall most of them into the new computer.

Then out of the Heavens , Ellie May sends an email. Glad she did. Now with all the new staff, one that I’m very keen on, Radio Rebel to be exact, still, I’d love Ellie May to jump back in. But I know that’s about as possible as me winning the Idaho Lottery.

So set radio show, on autopilot, and headed to bed.

More in the afternoon,


Quote of the Day:
Bureaucracy defends the status quo long past the time when the quo has lost its status.
--Dr. Laurence J. Peter
Romans 13:9-10“The commandments, “You shall not commit adultery,” “You shall not murder,” “You shall not steal,” “You shall not covet,” and whatever other command there may be, are summed up in this one command: “Love your neighbor as yourself.” Love does no harm to a neighbor. Therefore love is the fulfillment of the law.”

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