Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Your blog and Treasures are not yours


Allot of folks are digging for gold and that gold might just be being scoured out of your mine, or mind. The dayz of free blogs, whether that be Google's Blogger, Zimbio's blog service or even MSN's may soon be a for a fee rather than free service. More over just because it hazz your treasured gems, thoughts, knowledge or so on does not mean its really yours. In essence when you send your 411 to these services, you in reality are giving these services the license and that is part of those little blurbs you see in the Conditions of Service that you click the I ACCEPT button of. They now partly own YOUR PROPERTY. Unless you make your own web site, paid for by you, built by you, and hosted by YOU, or your towing firm in reality its not yours. As economic conditions become much worse until they get better and that will only happen after the 2008/09 Presidential Election and someone with integrity is sitting in the big chair, but until our nations money woes are cured, SAAS or Software As A Service will soon be including your up to now free blog. Okay then some news you can use. Over the last 18 months there hazz been an internal squabble going on in regard to finalizing on a handle for both our classic big truck and as well as our klassik tow truck branch of the Hazzard County Knytes Kustmz Association. So it hazz boiled down to this. The sibling offspring of the Hazzard Knytes for both Klassik haulers and draggin wagons is The Hazzard County Rode Knytes Association. Watch the TV show this afternoon at 14:00 hours to 15:30 Hours. More l8r haulers n Hookers


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Psalm 119:160“All your words are true; all your righteous laws are eternal.”

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